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開始拍Vlog後,才發現好用的滑鼠真的很重要! 羅技全新MX Anywhere 3 無線滑鼠~ 有三種顏色喔✨石墨灰、珍珠白、還有浪漫玫瑰粉🌹 搭配柔軟矽膠材質的流線設計~ 多種顏色選的開心,也更貼近真實自己😘 根本就是輕鬆搭配的時尚配件啊~ MX Anywhere 3除了小巧外型讓我帶著到處跑外,Easy-Switch及FLOW技術可以在電腦、行動裝置間自由切換,甚至快速移動檔案,隨時隨地輕鬆工作💪🏻 跨平台使用的滑鼠也讓生活更便利了🤤 而且很厲害的是! 獨家DarkfieldTM 技術在任何材質上都能滑,甚至連玻璃都沒問題‼️ 跳脫滑鼠墊~不受限材質的滑鼠真的是好方便自在🥰 更多資訊都在 Logitech #MXanywhere3 #Logitech #隨時隨地做自己的女王

開始拍Vlog後,才發現好用的滑鼠真的很重要! 羅技全新MX Anywhere 3 無線滑鼠~ 有三...

非常感謝勵馨基金會的邀請再次擔任女兒獎的頒獎人 深感榮幸能與各位一同參與這榮譽的時刻 Jenny很緊張,非常感動的盡全力和各位女孩們分享與鼓勵,影片是短短3分半的內容分享❤️ Today, I am very grateful The garden of hope Foundation for inviting me to be the presenter of the sports award in this Formosa girl award. I feel very honored to be able to participate in this honorable moment with everyone present. Please allow me to share with you a little story of myself first. I am the first female Professional MMA fighter in Taiwan My family is very traditional and doesn’t support me in this profession. They think it’s very dangerous for girls to be fighter. After losing a fight in other country, I received a call from my mother in the evening, and she told me that i lose my fight, just don’t fight anymore, I can understand that she was trying to use words to strike me to give up my dream and switch to the working environment they want. I took my gloves to the dark training center in the middle of the night and kept hits heavy bag. At the moment when I hitting heavy bags, my heart is fighting against the bondage of values ​​given to me by my family. After a fierce blow, I told myself to let my tears flow backwards and I have to go forward, despite have the long way to go, we still have to move forward to build our dream. When you make choices, girls, maybe we will encounter many ties and bondage on the way to pursue our dreams. Maybe it is family expectations, maybe comparisons around you maybe social values. Cherish what you choose. As long as this choice can make the world better and touch more people's hearts, let us move forward together on the road of dream building. The process of building a dream is more important than the result. When your life is to live with your own wishes, it is already a victory. All the good things in your life must be working hard by yourself. When I was 12 years old, I was not sure my dream , but girls, you have already taking one step,already has the courage and self-confidence and enthusiasm . Let’s work hard building our dream in the future.

非常感謝勵馨基金會的邀請再次擔任女兒獎的頒獎人 深感榮幸能與各位一同參與這榮譽的時刻 Jenny很緊...